About Us

The NoireSTEM team has amassed experiences that include serving as principal investigator (PI or Co-PI) on National Science Foundation (NSF), US Department of Education (DOE), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Burroughs Wellcome Fund, and other federal, state, and privately‐funded efforts. Additionally, team members have extensive and diverse practical experiences in formal and informal K‐12 and postsecondary environments. NoireSTEM Educational Consulting Firm, LLP was established in 2021 with the goal of increasing the representation and participation of Black and Brown students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). NoireSTEM seeks to catalyze the deconstruction and transformation of systemic and structural barriers that perpetuate the underrepresentation of African American/Black,Hispanic/LatinX, and Native American students in STEM by offering assistance with program development, professional development, curriculum transformation, and grant proposal development/evaluation. The co-founders of NoireSTEM bring a unique perspective to higher education STEM teaching and learning, as they are all African American biologists with extensive experience working with African American/Black college students. Additionally, two of the co-founders are Critical Race Theorists with formal training in STEM Education and Educational Psychology. Therefore, the NoireSTEM team is holistically equipped to help higher education faculty, researchers, and administrators radically transform the STEM learning landscape for Black and Brown students, while simultaneously equipping students with the tools, knowledge and skills they need to navigate systemic barriers and persist into STEM careers. 

Our Mission

“To catalyze diversity in STEM by empowering Black and Brown students to navigate systemic barriers and persist in STEM careers.”